2013年9月3日 星期二

Cute school girl from Hong Kong

這個詞先在日本網絡討論區2ch的“獨身男性板”出現,由於日語“毒男”與“ 獨男 ”同音,網友把該板戲稱為“毒男板”,後來就指具備一些不受異性歡迎特質的男性。“毒男”一詞出現後,亦出現指女性的毒女。

後來由於不少年輕華人由因特網接觸到日本次文化,加上《電車男》在華人地區受歡迎,“毒男”一詞就傳到使用中文的地區,基本上保留日文原來的意義,這名詞亦通常在因特網使用,類似的用詞還有“ 宅男 ”(與禦宅族意義不同)、“ 馱獸 ”(即卑躬屈膝討好異性的人)等。由於不少網民都具備部份或全部毒男的特質,毒男這個名稱亦因此迅速傳播。但在某些地區如香港,毒男變成相對於“ 港女 ”(即拜金、自戀的部份香港女性)相對的詞彙.


年齡= 沒有女朋友的歷史

毒男= 獨男 =單身男士= 光棍  怨男



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The Female Orgasm

 It's the only thing that feels better than diving into a cool lake on a sweltering day, biting into a juicy cheeseburger when you're starving, or even getting your wallet back after losing it on vacation abroad. An orgasm is that good. Which is why it bites that it doesn't happen more often. According to several major surveys, only 25 percent of women always climax during sex with a partner. The rest of us either hit — or miss — depending on the night, or never experience a female orgasm during intercourse at all. Compared to the male version (more than 90 percent of men get their cookies off 100 percent of the time), the female "O"; is a fleeting phenomenon.

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5 Surprising Facts About Females Jerking Off

Here are the facts about female masturbation, along with our conclusions about them.

1. Fact: 89% of women admit to masturbating. Our Conclusion: The other 11% will only admit to heavy petting.

2. Fact: More than 41% of people have accidentally been caught masturbating. 22.6% of women have intentionally been walked in on. Our Conclusion: Intentionally? Oh, I get it -- they're the martyr-y ones who constantly balk, "If I want something done, I have to do it myself!"

3. Fact: 4 out of 10 women prefer masturbation over sex. Our Conclusion: Does this coincide with the finding that 40% of men want their women to have liposuction? Well, screw you, @ssholes. Who needs you anyway?

4. Fact: Studies suggest masturbation may be good for you. Cervical infections might be reduced with frequent personal stimulation. Our Conclusion: As if we needed another reason.

5. Fact: Female porcupines have been witnessed using wooden sticks to masturbate. Our Conclusion: What did you expect? Porcupine dildos are pretty hard to come by.

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Trying to Pick Up Girls

Guys do a lot of knuckleheaded things when they're trying to get girls to like them, talk to them, and eventually go home with them. More opportunities for successful nights have been squandered by guys making dumb mistakes with girls who liked them or would've gone home with them than by just about any other reason.

Here now we're going to have a look first at the 10 most common mistakes men make trying to pick up a girl, so you can know what they are, identify these mistakes in yourself if you're making them, and stop making them right away so you can find success in picking up the girls you like.

  1. They go to the wrong places. When most men think of picking up a girl, they think of big loud nightclubs. But big loud nightclubs are a stretch for many men out there – for many guys, it'd be a lot easier to strike up a conversation with a girl in a bookstore or on the street. You can do the club scene, and it can be a lot of fun, but do keep in mind there are a lot more places to meet women than big rooms with pulsing music and strobing lights.

  1. They focus on the wrong things. Doing well with women isn't about having good "pick up lines" or dressing flashy. It's your presence – how you are, including your posture, your body language, your eye contact, your voice tone – and what you say after you first say hello that matters most. Those are the things that get women attracted and cause them to want to move forward with you. But most guys focus on the wrong things, and are left scratching their heads when their pick up attempts fall flat.

  1. They don't emulate winners. Ever have anyone say the phrase "Just be yourself" to you? Well, there is a kernel of truth in it – but it's no good until you've spent enough time trying to emulate others that you know what parts of yourself are good as-is and what parts need tweaking. When you're meeting new women, who are you trying to be like?

    If it isn't a guy you already know does better with women than you do, you're probably missing out on implementing a lot of the more effective things he does. In business, we call it benchmarking. In sports and in the arts, they call it having an "influence." Whatever you want to call it, the people who do best don't figure it all out on their own. They learn from those better than themselves and go from there.

  1. They don't know how to target. I'm either going to do a post on this or maybe even put an entire program out on it at some point, but being able to target the right women to meet is so very key to succeeding. It's why men who are very experienced will at times go out and talk to one woman, and that's the woman they take home later.

    It does require you to spend some time learning how to do it, but once you've developed the ability to discern which women are open to meeting someone new – pay special attention to body language and eye contact – is she focused on her friends, or does she seem distracted – it all gets so much easier you'll find it difficult to believe you ever got by without looking for these signs she's interestedbefore.

    Oh, and, while I know they seem like the bright shiny objects of a bar or nightclub, don't chase after the girls partying hard on the dance floor, because they're not in a "meeting a cute guy" kind of mode. Instead, wait until they take a break and stop dancing, or find a girl who's relaxing by the bar already. I guarantee you it'll go over better than trying to get to know her while she's bouncing up and down.

  1. They miss escalation windows. Of all the ten mistakes listed here, this one's the most painful. Missing an escalation window is what happens when a girl wants a guy to move things forward, and signalsfor him to move things forward... and he just doesn't. And then she gives up.


    This happens to lots of guys early on. It used to happen to me a lot. It happens because either a guy doesn't realize she's signaling him to move things forward, or because he's moving too tentatively and doesn't capitalize on the signals he gets.

  1. They're too much fun. Fun kills the mood; it messes things up. At least, the kind of fun that most guys try to pull off. Being sexy and a bit fun is great; being goofy, silly, slapstick-y, or just platonically fun is, on the other hand, terribly counterproductive. It communicates to women that a man is more a fun friend than he is a sexual option. No good.

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Web celebrity from Hong Kong [校服] 曾經的網絡紅人黃樂樂~大家仲記得佢嗎

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Facebook >> Hin Tung Lam

Hong Kong Woman Type #1 - Local Cantonese Hong Kong Girl

Most of the women you'll meet will be local Cantonese women.  Physique-wise they are generally petite and enjoy wearing those platform shoes.  A lot can also appear to be materialistic and mercenary in their dating.  

Most don't speak much English and have no interest of being with an expat.  Heck one time I was wearing my business suit and asked a girl what game she was playing (on her phone.) She gave me a shrug and went back to her game.  Even though I was working out my Cantonese. 

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[舉報] 謝師宴貼圖區

 那年十八 母校舞會 站著如嘍囉
那時候 我含淚發誓各位 必須看到我
在世間 平凡又普通的路太多 屋村你住哪一座
情愛中 工作中 受過的忽視太多 自尊已飽經跌墮

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