Hong Kong Woman Type #1 - Local Cantonese Hong Kong Girl
Most of the women you'll meet will be local Cantonese women. Physique-wise they are generally petite and enjoy wearing those platform shoes. A lot can also appear to be materialistic and mercenary in their dating.
Most don't speak much English and have no interest of being with an expat. Heck one time I was wearing my business suit and asked a girl what game she was playing (on her phone.) She gave me a shrug and went back to her game. Even though I was working out my Cantonese.
Most don't speak much English and have no interest of being with an expat. Heck one time I was wearing my business suit and asked a girl what game she was playing (on her phone.) She gave me a shrug and went back to her game. Even though I was working out my Cantonese.